Thursday, September 27, 2007


By popular demand here are a few foodie tidbits from Paris:
First, almost everything I have eaten here in a pita, resembling mediterranean or north african food has been AWESOME, even the pita with shawerma and french fries (yes the little golden fried potatoes were IN the pita...though technically at that point I think I was eating Lavash). While odd it was alarmingly tasty. Maybe it was the garlic sauce they slathered on there?!

Second, I have had the BEST falafel ever! Sorry to Bongo Burger back home - your persian burger is still tops with me though - and nothing against the eggplant sandwich at Einstein's (is it still there by the way?) but the falafel et aubergine (ok I know a few CHOICE words in French such as the ever important eggplant) ROCKED MY WORLD! I hate to say it but I attribute it to a bit of the whole capitalism thing - because there's a corner here in the Marais district of Paris with 3 really good falafel places (probably more, but 3 big ones), and when you're up against that kind of competition, as opposed to another pizza place or cafe, I am thinking you have to be really good at what you do...actually all three are better than any falafel I've had back home.

Third, sorry to the vegetarians on the list, but I suddenly love shawerma and think we all just need more of it...yeah, don't get me started on how bad it must be for me, but anywhere that I have had the galette libanais, or the libanais sandwich, its always been good - and much cheaper and faster on the go at lunch than sitting down in a cafe/restaurant...the sitting is for later, when you're tired from all the walking and need more coffee or that cold beer at 4pm (yea for vacation!).

Fourth, I am unclear exactly on how the falafel and Lebanese places really expect a girl like me to walk around while eating one of these creations, dripping with sauce and overfilled with yes, like trying to eat a Taco Bell crunchy taco (oh, did I say that? no, no, I've never been to taco bell on guerrero in the middle of the night...mmm, never!) I have ended up wearing about some variety of garlic sauce, hummous, cabbagey thing or bit of sandwich about. Maybe an argument for the sitting down to eat...or ask for more napkins, and watch your scarf.

Fifth, is there a really good Moroccan food restaurant in SF? The best Moroccan food I'd ever had until now was from this little joint near the center of Lisbon, but that has now been trumped by Paris. Both places were so good that I have to say I am converted, I think I can honestly say I like couscous.

That's about it for the foodie news for now...and I only hit on the street/mediterranean food...yea, sorry to the foodies reading, but there's not enough room to tell you about the coffee, the wine, baquettes, croissants, desserts, fromage (another VERY important french word = cheese!) and all the things they have here that I would place under the titles of either sauce or gravy. mmm - Paris IS yummy!

PS - the internet cafe has been blasting ABBA for the past half hour while I typed this

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